Om du vill lära dig mer om fotografering eller styling/komposition så kan jag tipsa om min nya hemsida På bloggen hittar du massa bra tips och trix för hur du kan förbättra ditt fotande och lära dig att redigera bilder i Photoshop. Dessutom har jag en onlinekurs där du kan lära dig att fota/styla bilder som dessa ↓
If you want to learn photography and styling/composition techniques you might like my new site over at On the blog you'll find a lot of useful tips and tutorials on how to edit in Photoshop and how to take your photography to the next level. I also have a photography online course where I teach my exact strategies for creating photos that make you stand out from the rest! Forget throwing your money away on fancy new equipment and obsessing over your camera settings. Professional, magazine-worthy photographs can be made just as easily if you know the tricks of the trade!